Five Years Ago
That Jeremy passed away, that is, July 6, 2001. This anniversary is the first in which the events of that time (he died on July 6 but he suffered his massive cerebral hemorrhage two days earlier, on the 4th) seem like part of the landscape of my life, not something I have to focus on to the exclusion of all else (or have to spend all my energy NOT focusing on them.)
Today my biggest challenge is working up the motivation to update that spreadsheet for work. Which could, in fact, be evidence of continuing dispiritedness but I think more likely I'm just feeling lazy.
Tuesday evening Naoyuki and I had over the neighbors and their little kids (9, 6, and 3), plus our friends who just moved here from Ann Arbor to join Naoyuki at Roswell Park. A pleasant time. We set up the folding tables in the atrium, turned on the cafe lights, and let the dusk creep in and the lighting level go down as we ate sliced ham, potato salad, tuna salad, tomatoes and cucumbers, fruit salad, walnut / pear salad, two types of cherries, and fruit pizza. Then we went to the Amherst Audubon Golf Course for a semi-long distance view of the fireworks over UB. (Summer days are so long here that the fireworks don't start until about 10 p.m., which kind of boggles me.)
Jeremy would have approved.
Labels: Jeremy